Having your EECP therapy each day of the six-week treatment course is an important part of receiving the greatest benefit. You are advised to take the treatment without frequent interruption. Missed treatments are usually made up so you receive all 35 hours.
Most of the patients undergoing EECP have blockages in their coronary vessels that are hard and stable. The increase in blood flow caused by EECP treatment is safe and the blood just detours bypassing this obstruction through the newly formed pathway. Hence, this treatment is otherwise also called Natural Bypass. During the 35 days of treatment, the new pathway due to continuous blood flow will become permanent. No patient had reported heart attack or stroke due to any dislodged plaques.
Yes. Pacemakers and defibrillators do not interfere in any way with EECP treatment.
Yes. Many of the patients with Bypass surgery / Angioplasty or Stent may develop cardiac symptoms either due to bypass graft getting occluded or stent getting blocked again or new blockage appearing in the coronary vessels, which were normal before. EECP treatment will be the only option for them to improve their blood flow to the heart muscle without risk of repeat interventional procedures.
No. You can manage your blood pressure by simple medication and then you can undergo EECP. Patients with hypertension have shown to benefit by having better control over their blood pressure and also significant fall in their blood pressure after a course of EECP treatment.
Yes. EECP treatment has shown improvement in blood sugar control in patients with a diabetic condition, similar to what is achieved by aggressive exercise. The additional advantage is that it is achieved in a shorter time duration.
No. Varicose veins do not interfere in applying pressure in the leg during EECP treatment. Your EECP therapist will provide comfortable padding to ensure maximum comfort.
Yes. Irregular heart beat or atrial fibrillation, which causes irregular heartbeat, will not interfere with the benefits achieved by EECP treatment. Your physician might advise certain drugs during treatment, if your heart rate is greater than 100 beats per minutes.
Yes you can. EECP improves blood flow throughout your body, including your legs. If you have poor leg circulation due to blood vessel blockage in your leg artery, you might need more than 35 treatments to get full benefit of the treatment. In addition to improved cardiac symptoms peripheral vascular disease patients also will have a marked improvement in their leg circulation in response to EECP.
Few patients with medical conditions like enlarged (aneurysm) aorta, which needs surgical repair, and patient with severe bleeding disorders cannot undergo EECP treatment. Otherwise, EECP is safe for all other patients.