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Doctor Testimonials

Leading cardiac specialists and doctors from around the world have attested to the efficacy of EECP treatment. Further, the EECP procedure has withstood the strength of scientific scrutiny and proved that in 90% of the cases, there is a marked reduction in symptoms of angina. Please find below some of the testimonials about Heal Your Heart and the EECP procedures from doctors.

Dr.John E. Strobeck

Dr.John E. Strobeck,

The long-term care of patients with chronic coronary artery disease requires the cardiologist to use aggressive preventive methods and more cost-effective treatments to improve clinical and financial outcomes. EECP treatment is a safe, cost-effective, non-invasive method of restoring myocardial perfusion and reducing symptoms of angina. EECP treatment is the perfect disease management tool for chronic coronary artery disease.
Dr.William E Lawson

Dr.William E Lawson,

The Robust effectiveness of EEP as a Non-Invasive device, together with its relatively low start up and recurrent cost, makes it an attractive consideration for treating patient with milder refractory angina in addition to the patient with severely disabling angina treated in current practise


I believe EECP Treatment has great potential in treating patient who doesn't want to go for surgery or with poor heart function, which makes surgery little more risky. All my patients who underwent the treatment have reported improvement in heart function and exercise capacity. I am happy to see them walking more distance without chest pain and improved quality of life. To conclude I think Enhanced External Counter Pulsation is a valuable outpatient procedure, providing long-term relief of anginal symptoms and improved quality of life.


EECP is definitely a hope for patients with refractory angina, post CABG patients, Post PTCApatients where all the existing treatment modalities are tried. Also class III heart failure patients have symptomatic palliative relief and may improve quality of life to Class I. It need encouragement as patients also prefer Non-Invasive treatment options.


EECP is a safe and effective treatment for patients who have diffused Coronary Artery Disease and are highly Symptomatic. This treatment modality can be safely used in patients with Refractive Angina and Heart Failure, as it has all the technology approvals like USFDA. The effect of the therapy is unique as it improves the myocardial blood flow without invasive procedures. Clinical data shows most of the patients undergoing this treatment are showing significant improvement in quality of life and are able to resume daily activities without angina and shortness of breath.
Dr.D.Seshagiri Rao

Dr.D.Seshagiri Rao,

Enhanced External Counterpulsation (EECP) is useful to treat patients with refractory angina, not suitable for revascularization procedures. I am also convinced that EECP helps in patient with Heart failure. I believe that the patients should be given a chance to go for EECP treatment where there is no option in the above subset patients.
Dr.Sanjay Mittal

Dr.Sanjay Mittal,

EECP is a good treatment for managing patients who are otherwise not amendable to Bypass Surgery or Intervention. This may be due to extensive diffuse coronary disease, co-morbidity or by choice.


EECP is a new modality of treatment used in patient with CAD to improve micro-vascular circulation. This treatment is being offered in our anti-heart failure program for the past 9 years and we are reported the findings in major clinical journals. The patient improvements are positive.
Dr Ashok H Punjabi

Dr Ashok H Punjabi,

Scientific data shows that EECP treatment helps patients with Ischemic Heart Disease by recruitment of collaterals and increase of blood flow to ischemic regions. It also improves endothelial functions and reduces arterial stiffness.


EECP is a very useful modality of treatment approved by FDA for patients with resistant ischemia who are not candidates for any type of revacularization (CABG , PTCA) as well as end State Heart Failure Class II, III.
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