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Non-invasive Treatment in Chennai, India

(Government Kilpauk Medical College Hospital - Kilpauk Chennai, Tamil Nadu)

Government Kilpauk Medical College and Hospital was established as a college for women. This college has turned out eminent stalwarts in various specialties with an annual intake of 100 undergraduate students; the college has expand many fold over the years with the addition of new postgraduate courses, new departments and new infrastructural facilities.

Cardiology Department in the Government kilpauk Medical Hospital has set up EECP department with EECP systems with in-patient facility for patient who needs hospitalization and Intensive care back up. The center has centralized oxygen connection available to heart failure patients.

Dr.Narayana Babu Dean Kilpauk Government Medical College inaugurating EECP ward with Dr.S.Ramasamy EECP Expert and Director of Vaso Meditech Pvt Ltd , Dr,Ravindran, and Dr.Thirunavukarasu

Dean Kilapuk Medical college with Prof of Medicine Dr.Ravindran, Medical Superintendent Dr.Thirunavukarasu , Dr.S.Ramasamy EECP Expert and Director of Vaso Meditech Pvt Ltd and Dr. Ramachandran Cardiologist

The EECP department is run by Heal your heart unit of Vaso-Meditech Pvt Ltd

Dr.S.Ramasamy EECP consultant and expert was appointed in charge for the EECP ward.

The center treats average 25-30 patients per day under EECP based ischemic Burden reduction Program (IRP).

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